Agent Recruiting
Accelerator System

Any Questions - Reach Out to Cheryl

Tip: Use your landing pages in your Email Signature (Agent Success Guide offer page, Call offer page, TW Presentation with Call offer page).


WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: The Agent Recruiting Accelerator System we create for you works with very little involvement on your end during the direct-response promo process, and then, once we send the lead to you, that is when you'll need to reach out to the agent that downloaded the guide, asked for a career transformation call, or responded from TW’s LIVE Zoom Recruiting Event, etc.

CALL THE LEADS USE THE SCRIPT: Then, depending on the number of agents that are responding, have a Recruiting Event and/or contact the agent individually with a 2 step process pre-interview (including a DISC and maybe a Sales Drive) to see if they are the right fit... and if they are, move forward with an in-person or over the phone interview with a top person at your company. IMPORTANT!! Follow The Built to Sell Playbook Recruiting MANUAL on the Script and Interview Questions!!!

Agent List: So important: please continue to update your list with new agents, as we will contact you to add them to your workflow. You will have uninterested agents come out of your workflow Recruiting System.

LIVE Zoom Recruiting with TW: we will promote to your agent lists about the Fully branded Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Career Recruiting sharing all of the value of YHSGR and then after the EVENT re-marketing again to them by email/text to make sure they contact you!

The #1 Plan And System For Growing A Super Profitable Real Estate Business Is Exclusively Brought To You By

Our Vision
To Be The Best Place to Work, Buy and Sell Real Estate.

Our Mission
To Go Serve Big - When you put others first, you will never be second!

Our Daily Routine
Increasing Real Estate Professionals Incomes by 300% or More Without Them Giving Up their Personal Lives to Do it!

Our Core Values
Innovate. Inspire. Impact. Influence.

Our Core Philosophy
The Size of the hole you give through is directly proportionate to the size of the hole you receive through.

We Established this real estate brokerage for Real Estate Agents DRIVEN to accomplish more for themselves, their clients, and their community.


When you put others first, you will never be second!

At Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty, It Is Our Mission, To Positively Impact The Lives of People, Through Second Mile Service, Innovative Systems, and Charitable Giving.